Data Structure Lab : Practical C25 : A palindrome is a string of character that‘s the same forward and backward. Typically, punctuation, capitalization, and spaces are ignored. For example, “Poor Dan is in a droop” is a palindrome, as can be seen by examining the characters “poordanisinadroop” and observing that they are the same forward and backward. One way to check for a palindrome is to reverse the characters in the string and then compare with them the original-in a palindrome, the sequence will be identical. Write C++ program with functions a) To print original string followed by reversed string using stack b) To check whether given string is palindrome or not //Author : SPPU CSE GURU #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class Palindrome{ public: int top,max,length; char arr[100]; string data; char Pull(); Palindrome() ...